

Registrations are records of members who have applied to get accounts on RosettaHub and have not been validated/processed yet.

Users can apply using the organization's dedicated website. Only applicants who have validated their email address and accepted the terms of use can be processed. After a registration is processed the user receives an email with their RosettaHub credentials.

Registration actions:

Validation actions:

  • Discard: Marks the registration as discarded, a discarded registration cannot be processed

  • Keep: Marks the registration as valid

  • Destroy: Destroys the registration, the registration is removed from the RosettaHub database. This action cannot be reverted.

Editing actions:

  • Set Graduation: Sets the graduation year/month of students

  • Set Type: Sets the type of a registration. Valid types depend on your organization and can be one of the following: User, Manager, Researcher, Educator, IT or Student

  • Set Title: Sets the title of selected IT or educators

Processing actions:

  • Send Verify Email Reminder: Sends an email verification reminder to the registrant. Only registrants that have verified their email can be processed.

  • Process: Triggers a process action on the registration. After a few minutes the user receives an email with his/her RosettaHub credentials.

  • Upload registrations: Uploads registrations from a spreadsheet to the Registrations panel.