RosettaHub Cloud Operations

RosettaHub Cloud Operations


  1. Users management

  2. Cloud accounts management

  3. Cloud financial management

  4. Compliance and auditing

Users management

Mass on-boarding

Using excel spreadsheets or the RosettaHub APIs

Organization units mapping

Delegation by Organization units owners of management rights to other managers and admins

Dedicated registration websites for root organizations

Permanent cloud accounts

Users can keep their cloud accounts for as long as they are within the organization

Federation of access

Single Sign On

Full auditability of administration actions

Fully customizable dashboard through RosettaHub perspectives that can be created and shared or enforced on users or on sub-organizations

Masquerading as other RosettaHub users for managers and admins

Cloud accounts management

Full ownership of all cloud accounts

The root organization owns all cloud accounts this allows for full flexibility on services, spending and data preservation

Very low technical know-how required for management

Managers can enable or disable managed cloud accounts

Very low personnel bandwidth-required for management

Very low risk of unsolicited data and compute resources irreversible deletion

By default, a data preservation strategy is adopted

Advanced cloud accounts monitoring (costs, resources, activity, etc.) and full auditability on users' actions

Individual accounts budget adjustment, budget transfer between cloud accounts and budget reverse transfer to managers and admins cloud accounts

Masquerading to users cloud accounts for managers and admins

RBAC Control of users' cloud accounts for accessing cloud services, cloud regions, compute instance types, database instance types, machine learning instance types etc.

Sharing capabilities for cloud artifacts (machine images, storages, IAM Users) User to User, User to Group, User to Organizations

Default configuration for user cloud accounts including a default private network, a default region, and a default IAM user

Cloud financial management

Cloud accounts costs daily reports at the organization and users level


Cloud accounts get automatically disabled when the budget is reached

Accounts can be re-enabled via a budget transfer that sets the budget above the spending

Budgets can be enforced on cloud accounts based on RosettaHub’s real-time cost estimators


Cost, budget and resources real-time dashboard, cross-regions aggregated resources views


Custom actions on cloud accounts' budget depletion (full clean-up, data preservation, admin-defined)


Management framework for promotional credits


Maximum hourly cost on cloud accounts can be enforced

Accounts get automatically disabled when the maximum hourly cost is reached

Multi-root accounts (multi-billing accounts) per root organization

Pooling (aggregation) of promotional credits

Real-time cost and resources monitoring, real-time billing estimate

Cloud accounts can be cleaned up in a few clicks

Cloud accounts can be disabled or quarantined by managers and admins


Compliance and auditing

RBAC-based access to limit regions and services to compliant regions and services for each user and organization

Compute instances number limit can be enforced

Storage Size limit can be enforced on object storages, file storages, block storages and block snapshots

Spot Usage can be restricted

Spot Management and safeguarding

Email notifications to individual users and admins for warnings and critical events

Cloud accounts get automatically disabled if keys get compromised or in case of an abuse

Automatic handling of abuse reports on all accounts

Users and their managers are automatically notified, access keys are automatically reset

Immediate reset of any compromised access keys signaled by cloud provider

Regular reset of cloud access keys on all cloud accounts

Auto-stop idle compute instances

The idle timeout can be customized

Auditing of all users actions

Auditing of all cloud accounts actions

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