CLI Examples

CLI Examples

  1. Connecting as a user to RosettaHUB

    rh login -u username

    You will be prompted to enter your password

    Your connection will be displayed in a tabe along with other previous connections. You create as many connections as you wish. You can have only one connection per user.

  2. To set the default connection

    rh set-default username


  3. To view all connections

    rh ls


  4. To set the output format: format can be table, json, yaml or csv

    rh set-output format


  5. To view information about the default user and all the users that are managed by that user

    rh user ls


  6. To masquerade as a user that you manage, you can only masquerade if you have Superuser rights on that user

    rh user masquerade username


  7. To view information about the default user's cloud accounts and all the cloud accounts that are managed by that user

    rh acc ls


  8. To connect to one or many cloud accounts in the browser

    rh acc browse -c cloudAccountUid1 -c cloudAccountUid2


  9. To view all formations that can be launched by the default user including owned, shared and public formations

    rh formation ls -a


  10. To launch a formation with id formationUid

    rh formation launch -g --label my-server formationUid


  11. To view all sessions including owned, shared and public session

    rh session ls -a


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