Access the GCP cloud console

Access the GCP cloud console

If you registered to RosettaHub with a Google email, you can sign in to RosettaHub using Google Sign-In by clicking on the G button on the RosettaHub main page. In the RosettaHub dashboard, follow the next steps:


Step 1: Please make sure that the default cloud provider is Google Cloud Platform

Step 2: Then select the cloud account that you want to access (usually you will have only one cloud account per cloud)

Step 3: Now press the Go To GCP Console button under the section My Details of your dashboard. The GCP cloud console will open. If the first icon to the right of the Go To GCP Console is selected, the GCP console will open in the same window. If the second icon is selected, it will open in a new tab. If the last icon is selected it will open in a new window.


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!: If you registered with a non Google email, you can set a second email that is registered with Google by clicking on the button Set Google Email. then sign in to Google in a separate tab using that second email before clicking on the Go To GCP Console button in the RosettaHUB dashboard.




If your RosettaHub email is not a Google email, you can still register it with Google by using the link: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp and selecting "Use my current email instead".



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