Cloud Keys
RosettaHub cloud keys map AWS IAM keys, an Azure service principal, GCP service account. They allow you to run instances and clusters inside their associated region and VPC (or Virtual Private Network). RosettaHub creates automatically a RosettaHub key for each cloud region that a user is allowed to access.
RosettaHub Keys come with restrictions on:
On-demand instance types: At creation a set of instance types is associated with your RosettaHub keys, these are aligned with the permissions associated with the user who owns the cloud account.
Spot instance types: Most instance types are allowed.
Dedicated VPC or Virtual Private Network: All your instances will run inside a dedicated RosettaHub private network
Region: All your instances will run inside the region that is associated with your keys
Actions on keys
Create: Allows you to create keys based on an IAM user access keys, Azure service principal or GCP service account
Launch: In one click you can launch machine instances or clusters using your keys
Retrieve Object Storages: Allows you to map your cloud account storages to associated Simple storage drives on RosettaHub
Retrieve File Storages: Allows you to map your native cloud account file storages
Retrieve Block storages: Allows you to map your native cloud account block storages
Retrieve Snapshots: Allows you to map your native cloud account block snapshots
Share: Allows you to share your keys with a user, group or organization
Publish: Allows you to publish your keys on the Marketplace. Keys need to be shared with "hub" before they can be published.
Delete: Allows you to delete your keys