The example below shows how to launch and connect to an on-demand Windows Machine.
Step 1: Select the Workspaces and Labs perspective then under Cloud Formations, find a formation with a Windows icon such as Windows 2022 right click on it then select Clone and name the cloned Windows cloud formation "my-windows”.
Step 2: Click on the new “my-windows“ cloud formation, then click Yes, an icon will show under Sessions. After a few minutes, a green tick will appear on the upper left corner of the session.
Step 3: Click your session to get the connectivity information then click on the Rdp file link to download it.
Step 4: Execute the Rdp file then click Connect.
Step 5: Input the displayed Administrator password, click OK.
Step 6: Click yes to accept the certificate.
! You are now connected to your instance via RDP and you have full admin rights.
Step 7: Install Firefox
Step 8: Create a new machine image
Step 9: Share the “my-windows“ with a user or an organization