from zeep import Client
import os
platform = zeep.Client('https://api.rosettahub.com/public/PlatformServices?wsdl').service
session = platform.newSession("{your_login}", "{your_password}", 0 )
registrations = []
registrations.append({"firstName":"Louise","lastName":"Roberts", "email":"louise.roberts@washington.rosettahub.com", "entities",["WASHINGTON-BigData"],"institutionId":"WASHINGTON","regType":"Researcher"})
Light registration
It mimics the creation of a user from the RosettaHub portal. It does not require users to verify their emails and gives the manager the option of setting a user password and of allocating or not allocating a cloud account to the new member.
All you need to do is run a code similar to the one below by inputting the user's first name, last name, email, password, type, organization, root cloud account uid and initial budget. Your root cloud accounts can be found in the panel My Cloud Accounts
from zeep import Client
import os
platform = zeep.Client('https://api.rosettahub.com/public/PlatformServices?wsdl').service
apiKey = "Your Api Key"